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  • Lay The Favourite

    In 2008 action comedy Tropic Thunder, Ben Stiller’s character learns the hard way the perils inherent in going Full Retard for his role in fictitious drama ‘Simple Jack’. Rebecca Hall has clearly never seen Tropic Thunder. She’s never even heard of it.

  • Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

    Alternate history epic? Creature feature? Gothic horror? Maverick director Timur Bekmambetov’s latest film struggles with as much of an identity crisis as its politician/lawyer/Slayer hero, flitting from dry-as-dust declamation to 3D combat in the blink of a glowing red eye. Mind you, with a title like that…

  • Killer Joe

    The opening film for this year’s Edinburgh International Film Festival, it would be difficult to claim that William Friedkin’s Killer Joe was an obvious selection. Populated by grim people doing some pretty grim things, it’s a dark drama with both a sexual and violent edge. There’s levity, sure – in fact, there’s quite a lot of laughs – but it’s safe to say this isn’t an easy going crowd pleaser. Yet that’s just what makes it such a brilliant choice. You’ll never look at Matthew McConaughey or southern fried chicken in quite the same light again.