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  • TGIM! The UK Green Film Festival

    Another thick, beige parade of weekdays stands before you, threatening you with the kind of crippling boredom only bestest by anything written by Nicholas Sparks or facts about golf. THANK GOODNESS THEN that Best For Film is committed to making sure you don’t have a truly awful life. Thank God It’s Monday proudly presents your guide to this weekend’s UK Green Film Festival!

  • Dark Shadows

    The film of that TV series you’ve never heard of, Dark Shadows does justice to neither its cult classic source material nor the combined talents of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. Fifty times longer than its trailer and half as enjoyable, Dark Shadows is one of the most tiresome, derivative and uninspiring movies you’re likely to see this year.

  • Piranha 3DD

    Piranha 3D was the surprise hit of 2010, blending knowing references to its glorious B-movie heritage with a truly unfeasible supply of boobs, blood, boobs, fish, boobs, Christopher Lloyd and boobs. Can its long-awaited sequel work the same schlocky magic? …No, no it can’t. Piranha 3DD is exactly as bad as we expected its predecessor to be.