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  • The Woman In Black

    A well-made, satisfying and properly scary ghost story, The Woman In Black shamelessly indulges all the gothic tropes we’ve been bored of for years and is all the more refreshing for it. Daniel Radcliffe doesn’t quite engage with the scenes where he’s doing anything except walking slowly down a candlelit hallway, but to be honest the edge of your seat will be grateful for the occasional moments of respite.

  • The Well-Digger’s Daughter

    There is something exquisitely beautiful about the quiet desperation of a broken heart. The Well-Digger’s Daughter captures this sorrow perfectly; from the excitement of the first meeting to the moment a young girl gives everything away for love, this picturesque period drama promises to captivate any audience.

  • Chronicle

    Another found footage film? Really? About some teenagers who unexpectedly develop superpowers? You may be struggling to decide whether this is more shamelessly ripped off from Misfits or Jumper, but Josh Trank’s slick and brooding feature debut is very much an original. You’ll believe a nerd can fly…

  • Orange (Wednesday)s And Lemons #55

    OH MY GOD IT’S COLD! The best place to be when it’s cold is definitely tucked up in a warm, germy cinema, breathing in everyone else’s diseases and comforting your pancreas with a dose of nutritious citrus. But what will your eyes do whilst your pancreas is having a smoothie and your immune system is dying? Time to find out!

  • Silent Cinema in the Digital Age

    The first silent film to win an award in ninety years is doing more than that – it’s sweeping the board at every ceremony going. But will The Artist‘s unprecedented success herald a new trend of homages to the silent films which continue to shape modern pop culture? Nicola Marchant finds out more…