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  • Cheat Sheet: Ralph Fiennes

    Coriolanus is out! It hasn’t been nominated for any Oscars (because it was released too late, but let’s not split hairs)! Ralph Fiennes is on the warpath (probably)! And just think what a man who takes Auschwitz in his stride would do to you if you bumped into him and mispronounced his name? READ THIS CHEAT SHEET QUICKLY, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

  • Tyrannosaur

    A merciless exploration of rage, shame, paralysis and bitterness, Tyrannosaur would be nigh on impossible to watch if it wasn’t also absolutely hypnotic. Staggering central performances from Peter Mullan and Olivia Colman add powerful weight to a sparse, unpretentious script – a debut piece for writer/director Paddy Considine. Enjoyable might be the wrong word, but this is vital viewing all the same.

  • Oscar 2012 Nominations

    THEY’RE HERE! The nominations for the 84th Academy Awards have been released, and as we predicted The Artist has basically bagsied all the categories like a fat greedy child in a tuckshop. Standard.

  • Underworld Awakening

    Underworld is back, and having tempted Kate Beckinsale back into the franchise’s trademark catsuit it isn’t long before she is jumping off of really tall buildings only to land silently as though nothing has changed. While this might still constitute somewhat of a return to form for the series, however, we are still left wondering how exactly it earned one sequel, let alone three.

  • Red Light Revolution

    China’s attitude to freedom of information is almost whimsically brutal. They banned Wikipedia way before Wikipedia made it cool to ban Wikipedia. So it’s hardly surprising that they’re trying to bury this comedy about their massive sex toy industry. Luckily for us, it’s being screened throughout England. But are we so lucky?