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  • Parked

    This glum tale of homelessness and drug addiction in Dublin features strong performances from its leads, but is let down by an overbearing soundtrack and a predictably worthy storyline. Also, clock metaphors, clock metaphors everywhere I turn!

  • Dos and Don’ts of Remakes

    Remake? No. Reinvent? Yes! Join us on an adventure in repetition as we go on an adventure in repetition. Learn your what to do and (more importantly) what not to do in the many occasions throughout your life when you will be called upon to direct the remake of a classic movie.

  • Machine Gun Preacher

    Do you like machine guns? Do you like Jesus? Then you’ll love Machine Gu- oh, wait. That might not actually be enough to close the deal. Let’s try again: do you like the flagrant deification of bikers with hearts of gold? Do you like Gerard Butler being utterly dull as usual? Do you like the White Messiah fable? Then you’ll love Machine Gun Preacher! That’s more like it.