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  • Into The Abyss

    Since 1982 the state of Texas has executed 473 people, and is currently holding 334 people on death row. While California has the highest death row population in the US, it’s Texas that has the highest rate of execution – and it’s here that legendary filmmaker Werner Herzog travelled to make his mesmerising documentary, Into The Abyss.

  • Cheat Sheet: Julianne Moore

    With over a staggering 50 movies tucked under that beautiful scarlet barnet, Julianne Moore is one of the most talented, varied, and genuinely lovely actresses in the world. But what on earth do we really know about her? Exactly, you selfish hounds. So, to celebrate the release of the genuinely lovely Crazy Stupid Love, we present our guide to Miss Moore…

  • Official Awards of the 68th Venice Film Festival

    Everybody loves a good award show, which is why we’re very excited to report the official winners of The 68th Venice International Film Festival, organized by La Biennale di Venezia. The nominations, in spirit of the festival’s aim, help to raise awareness of international cinema in all its forms: as art, entertainment and as an industry, in a spirit of freedom and tolerance. And, with two UK winners on the list, we’re pleased to see that British cinema still has some excellent contenders in its midst…

  • Page One

    Page One, a documentary by Andrew Rossi of An Inconvenient Truth and Waiting for Superman, is perhaps the most involving and universally inspiring documentary of the year. Who would’ve thought it’d be about the New York Times?

  • The Top 10 Film Horses

    To celebrate the upcoming release of War Horse (and an all-girl, no Underwood BFF team) we decided to delve into the film archive and pull out (you guessed it!) the Top 10 Film Horses. Just for the record, this was never intended to happen; I pitched an article about novel-to-movie adaptations and, somehow, we ended up shaking on an equine extravaganza. From the likes of Troy and The Lord Of The Rings, all the way up to Shrek and Disney, it seems we’ve got enough material to keep even the most avid pony-philes happy…

  • A Spanking in Paradise

    What is it with horribly titled British films lately? First Swinging With the Finkels, now this? C’mon people, just name your film after a dinosaur, there’s loads of them left. It’d be much easier to sell a dark comedy set in a Scottish brothel (apparently they’re legal up there, fancy that!) if it was called Tyrannosaurus Sex. Just sayin. Luckily though, Spanking in Paradise is infinitely better than its dreadful title, a witty, surprisingly restrained and thoroughly Scottish gem.