Search results for "matt damon"

  • Top 30 films to see in 2014

    It’s that time of year again! As the seasons turn, our adamant gaze pierces the mists of the future to tell you what you should be seeing next year. And, as usual, it’s mostly superheroes (not our fault the interesting little indie films don’t publicise themselves a year in advance, is it?). This year’s list is in order of release rather than assumed quality, because we keep putting crap films in the top 5 and then regretting it.

  • Top 5 thieves in film

    Generally speaking, being funny on the Internet doesn’t pay very well. So we were delighted when the good folks at Music Magpie, a basically invaluable service for anyone whose house is full of DVDs in exactly the same way that their wallet isn’t full of money, offered to sponsor one of our blogs. Since they’re helping keep BFF afloat, why not check them out and see how much you could rake in for your unwanted DVDs, CDs and games?

  • Top 10 actors who’d be a better Batman than Ben Affleck

    As you literally cannot have failed to notice, Ben ‘look what a nice beard I’ve got’ Affleck has just been cast as the new Batman in Warner Bros’ three thousandth reboot of everyone’s favourite neurotic detective gimp. We spectacularly failed to predict this. But could his CV offer some clues to other actors who’d be… well, Battier? We’ve delved into the depths of Ben’s IMDb to decide which of his costars would do a better job.

  • Elysium

    Beautifully shot, brilliantly conceptualised, Elysium is a thoughtful and exciting film… right up to the half way mark, where it discards its social commentary for stale action sequences that feel torn from the mid-90s. Elysium could have been an iconic moment in sci-fi movie history, but limps weakly across the finishing line in a confetti…