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  • Friday Face/Off: Adam Sandler

    This week, Adam Sandler emerged as the third highest-paid actor in the world for 2010/11. One of our faithful team of word-wranglers rejoiced at this news, whilst the other bit a copy of You Don’t Mess with the Zohan in half. Guess which was which? It’s time to Face/Off…

  • What will Kevin James do next???

    The word ‘formulaic’ is bandied about quite a lot by us cinema lovers, and we’ve noticed that if often occurs just after watching a Kevin James film. This week saw his latest offering, Zookeeper, besmirch screens across the country, so to celebrate / commiserate / royally take the mickey we take a gander at some of the parts which are undoubtedly going to be offered to him in the near future.

  • Friday Drinking Game #17 – Superman

    Ah it’s Friday, it’s sunny, so why not pop out in the garden with a massive beer cooler and stare up at the…wait a minute! What’s that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s Superman, flying down to enjoy a truly spiffing alcoholic ginger beer, or maybe a fruity pimms. Remind him not to F.U.I.

  • Project Nim

    After the astonishing success of 2008’s Man On Wire James Marsh turns his documentary lens to the remarkable story of Nim, a chimp who became the centre of an experiment into whether language can indeed be acquired by animals. Without probing too much into the moral issues of such an experiment, Marsh presents this story with an extremely even hand, allowing us to be the judges of the characters, human and animal.