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  • Miracle at St. Anna

    Derek Luke (Antwone Fisher) stars in a confused and meandering war story from Spike ‘however do I manage to balance such a big chip on one little shoulder?’ Lee. Bogged down by technical problems and frantic attempts to shoehorn a message into the madness, this is anything but a miraculous film.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #27

    As we launch into the SEVENTH MONTH of weekly OWLing (dear God, we could have solved cancer in that time), a mix of missing regulars and unexpected newbies has spiced up the chatter at Best For Film. What’re you seeing tonight? Don’t even bother trying for your own idea…

  • The Conspirator

    Robert Redford’s latest directorial exploit stars James McAvoy and Robin Wright (quondam Robin Wright Penn) in a sepia-tinted legal drama about the distinctly witch-hunty trials which followed the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. You may need a short nap in the middle, but The Conspirator‘s beetle-browed intensity is more than made up for with a slew of well-judged performances in a supremely atmospheric setting.

  • Top 10 Films we Hate to Love… and Love to Hate

    From time to time we are presented with films so bad that they rattle our cages till they can rattle no more. Sometimes we shamefully have to bury our heads in the sand because the powers that be force us to enjoy them. So without further ado, may we present you with the top ten films we hate to love and love to hate