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  • Monday Mash-Up!

    I know that look – that heady combination of disdain, boredom and just a little lust. You think you’ve got us sussed, don’t you? You think you know exactly what to expect from the mash-up. You think it’s all going to plan. Well, CHEESE! This Monday just got real. Brace your mother-tugging self…

  • Friday Face/Off: Zack Snyder

    Do you think Zack Snyder is a visual pioneer or just a big kid who likes a good fight? Whatever your opinions are it doesn’t matter! Because we have two highly stubborn gits to fight it out and sort out this Zack Snyder issue once and for all.

  • Last Night

    Watch Last Night if you enjoy long moody shots interspersed with sporadic choppy cuts, endless cigarettes used as shorthand for INNER TURMOIL, and Keira Knightley’s chin taking all the limelight away from Guillaume ‘what on earth am I doing in this awful film?’ Canet. Crucially, do not watch it if you dislike insipid tripe.