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  • Lovely, Still

    Christmas was months ago but with the arrival of Nik Fackler’s film Lovely, Still, the holiday feel is still present. Bring your Kleenex, the film’s like The Notebook but for the older person.

  • Amreeka

    An independent and Award winning film, Amreeka finally hits UK cinemas this week (if you’ve been waiting for it). It might be more for the art-house crowd but its an engaging film from director Cherien Dabis.

  • Soundtrack Revolution

    When you think of film soundtracks what sort of names do you come up with? John Williams? Danny Elfman? Ennio Morricone, maybe? Well get with the times, guys! It’s all about the pop-star built soundtrack these days. Directors seem to be head hunting big name musicians – ever looking to fill their time in between throwing TV’s out of windows and stealing your girlfriends – to take over the musical reins of their films. They’re doing pretty well too.