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  • Top 10 Kick-ass Little Girls

    Since little Saoirse Ronan has come out all freckled and hard as nails in Hanna, it got us thinking about other kick-ass girl tweens that could give Bruce lee a good hiding. You don’t want to mess with any of these chicks. Not that you would. They’re not even real, man.

  • Monday Mash-Up!

    For the last few weeks the Monday Mash-Up has lain dormant, like a horse with chronic pleurisy and a bad hoof – throughout the land there has resounded a wailing and gnashing of teeth as the children of Israel (amongst others) found themselves bereft of idiotic Photoshop distractions at the start of the working week. Well, NO MORE! We’re back, baby, and we’ve got enough copypasta for everyone.

  • WIN: BIUTIFUL on Blu-Ray x 3

    Connected with the afterlife, Uxbal is a tragic hero and father of two who’s sensing the danger of death. He struggles with a tainted reality and a fate that works against him in order to get things back on track… BIUTIFUL is beautiful. And we have 3 Blu-Ray copies to give away! Competition ends 09 June 2011.

  • Water for Elephants

    Water for Elephants is a strange beast, trying to be a whimsical blockbuster whilst seeming to long for a lot more action. If you marry the physical beauty of Robert Pattinson with the cerebral Christoph Waltz, add a pinch of Witherspoon and throw in a circus set, voila you have one gigantic melting pot of a movie that delivers some beautiful cinematography, a little whimsy and a whole lot of violence.

  • Friday Drinking Game #9 – The Lord Of The Rings

    Guess what?! Seven days have gone by since your last film related paralytic coma and now it’s time for another! Yay! If you haven’t quite recovered yet don’t worry, there’s nothing like the old hair of the dog to make your liver go numb and completely forget it’s working overtime to try and fix the damage you did to it one week ago. Sit back bottle in hand (don’t bother finding a glass, you won’t be needing it) enjoy a good ol’ flick, then lose any memory of ever watching it.