Search results for "helen mirren"

  • TGIM! Sundance London

    “Oh no, it’s Monday and the rain’s come tumbling down and not even Russell Crowe in his big new boat can save me from drowning in April malaise and literal water.” Button your lip, nay-sayer! Robert Redford just rode into town with a holster full of Sundance; there’s never been a better reason to pull on an anorak and brave the storm. Thank God it’s Monday!

  • Friday Drinking Game #35 – Shakespearean Films

    Did you know Billy Shakespeare wrote thirty seven plays? That’s more plays than number of tears we’ve wept about how few plays we’ve written. And approximately four of them are still knocking about today. One of those plays isn’t Coriolanus, but that didn’t stop Ralph Fiennes making an adaptation of it. What a mess. Do you need a drink yet? Us too.

  • Top 10 Possible Plotlines of the LEGO Film

    So it looks like they’re making a LEGO film. And by “they” we mean the crazy people in Hollywood who want all the money but their brains don’t work any more because they replaced their brains with sushi and velvet yachts and cynicism so they think money can come from a film about inanimate bricks. WHAT COULD THIS FILM POSSIBLY BE ABOUT?!?! Luckily for you, Hollywood fat cats, BFF have compiled a list of LEGO-inspired films to make the process a bit easier for you. Enjoy!

  • Friday Face/Off: The Oscars

    With the devastating news that The Muppets will not be doling out the orders at the 2012 Academy Awards, our faith in the entire organisation has gone to pot. Should we even bother with this evening of glittery, dead-eyed back-slapping? Would we if Hugh Jackman was involved? Shall we just watch that opening number one more time? Two of our writers hash it out, or at least they will until we turn off the mics and pump up the music…