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    Is Alien vs Ninja a stark documentary on social decline? No it is not! Look at the title – it’s a fun action adventure featuring alien/ninja fights! This film promises pure sci-fi martial arts joy and delivers it in spades. We have 3 DVDs to give away. Banzai! Competition ends 9 March 2011

  • Cuckoo

    Tamsin Greig is the only high point in this mediocre thriller about a woman’s hallucinations.

  • The Fighter

    Boxing drama The Fighter stomps all over Million Dollar Baby in its epic portrayal of Micky Ward and his rise from Massachusetts nobody to WBU champion.

  • Leaves of Grass

    Edward Norton continues his string of underwhelming films that threatens to undermine the legacy of perhaps the finest American actor of the 90s. Writer-director Tim Blake Nelson apes the Coens with this tale of quirky criminals, but can’t match the Brothers Grim for inventiveness and assurance.

  • Monday Mash-Up!

    Look, I’m not going to waste your time or mine with so-called ‘words’; we both know what you’re here for. Proceed downwards, young one, and gorge yourself on mash-up.

  • WIN: 3 x CLASH on DVD!

    Crack teams of mercenaries! Catsuits! Kick-ass martial arts! Explosions, guns and thrills! That’s what Clash is all about, and we have 3 DVDs to give away! Competition ends 8 March 2011

  • 10 best dressed characters of all time

    We all like to pretend we have a sense of style, but if we’re honest all we really have is the swooning emulation of creatures we think are well awesome. We present our top 10 fashion icons of the film world, celebrating the trendsetters that forced us into the converse-and-pearls universe we inhabit today. Look on them, lowly mortals, and weep at how attractive you’re never going to be.