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  • Friday Drinking Game #2 – Back to the Future

    It’s a Friday! And you know what that means – it’s time to punish your liver for being such a bastard. If you don’t have solid evidence that your liver is a bastard, just take a leaf out of the Met’s book and assume that it is because at least one other liver somewhere, sometime, was. What about those goose livers, eh? Fat, lazy bumders. We hate livers almost as much as the police hate students! And there’s only one way to bring together those two very disparate loathings – a drinking game.

  • Brighton Rock

    An intriguing piece of sinister, twisty seaside noir – a much under-represented genre – Brighton Rock deals equally in shadows and bright skies. May or may not represent good and evil.

  • Dawn of Evil: Rise of the Reich

    The pure range of emotions one experiences when watching Dawn of Evil: Rise of the Reich!
    Shock, disgust, hilarity and awe all flit among the shadowy recesses of your mind in this ‘biopic’ of a young Adolf Hitler, which manages to be both stupid, and offensive.

  • Invasion of the Not Quite Dead Indie Film Makers

    So it appears that Twitter possesses more than just the magical power to make narcissists imagine their universal relevance; apparently, the cyber cesspool of social networking can make you a film producer, too, whilst enabling indie-wunderkind Anthony Lane realise his pubescent dream of making a film that could prove as riveting as his live cam-feed – all for the smashing price of £10.

  • Biutiful

    Biutiful covers a lot of ground in its 147 minutes. It’s about spirituality, and family, and love, and poverty, and oh, too many other things to list. And the reason there’s such a plethora of subject on offer is down to Biutiful‘s central character Uxbal (Javier Bardem); a man with more layers than your average onion.

  • Vince Vaughn: The Rise and Fall of a Comedy Genius

    Vince Vaughn used to be a comedy god- up there with Ben Stiller, more marketable than Will Ferrell, less cheesy than Owen Wilson. But lately, we have realised that he is less comedy hits, more comedy misses and much less likeable on screen. Whatever has happened to everyone’s favourite funny man? We look at the rise and oh so calamitous fall of this fast talking, wedding crashing comedy supremo.