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  • Frozen

    Three skiers are trapped in an abandoned chairlift. Their survival depends on life-or-death decisions. Should they try to escape or stay put and take their chances? Unless they want to end up frozen, there’s only one way to find out.

  • Cyrus

    John C Reilly and Jonah Hill plod happily through comedy/drama Cyrus; it’s just such a shame that their material never quite matches their obvious talent. Though a few moments of great dark humour lift the storyline, dreadful camera work and a lack-lustre ending drag Cyrus’s high flying stars down almost to amateur level.

  • Tamara Drewe

    A foreigner working through the last ten years of British cinema could be forgiven for thinking that this is a nation composed entirely of council estates, sports fields and leftover shreds of the Second World War. After such a torrent of grittiness, Tamara Drewe feels like it’s going to be a real treat – which makes it even more of a shame when it fails to deliver on almost every level.

  • Afterlife

    At the invitation of the Swedenborg Society, Best For Film is publishing a special series of reviews to follow its ‘Images of the Afterlife in Cinema’ film season, which will be exploring life, death and everything in between. This week we’re looking at the Japanese classic; Afterlife.

  • Resident Evil 5 confirmed

    Well, it’s pretty hard to argue with the stats. Resident Evil: The Afterlife opened at the number one spot in the US, even though reviews all around have been pretty lukewarm. The makers have taken this as indication that the world is baying for more Resident Evil action, and have confirmed that number 5 will be getting made. Whoopee.