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  • De Niro and Cooper on honeymoon?

    It seems that a new love affair has blossomed between actors Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro. Having recently worked together on the upcoming picture Dark Fields, the two have gone in search of a new creative endeavour on which to collaborate.

  • Lindsay Lohan is released

    Ahh… we love the smell of justice evasion in the morning. After serving 2 weeks of a 90 day sentence, Lindsay Lohan has been released from prison, and is expected to start a rehab program as soon as possible. And when we say “rehab program”, we probably mean “a couple of days worth of saying sorry and drinking ribena”.

  • Russell gets spaced out…

    Russell Brand will have to up his game when it comes to fiancée Katy Perry’s next birthday, as the singer has just forked out a staggering £128,000 for a 35th knees-up which promises to be truly out of this world.

  • Wake Wood

    Production company Hammer continue their return to form with Wake Wood, a chilling horror set in the Irish countryside. On paper it could be dismissed as an Irish version of The Wicker Man, but sets itself apart by grappling with the realities of grief, the occult, and how to safely deal with cattle. It’s not perfect, but strong performances, a strangely Scandinavian feel (part of the filming took place in Sweden) and artistic flair makes Wake Wood an enjoyable addition to Hammer’s canon.

  • The A-Team

    The A-Team is ridiculous. But given that it’s based on perhaps the cheesiest TV series ever to star a be-Mohawked ex-wrestler with a serious thing for bling, that’s not really its fault. Anyway, the A-Team movie replaces him with a cage-fighter who has given all four of his sons the middle name ‘Rampage’, which is frankly BOSS.

  • The Crazies DVD Review

    Another day, another remake. But before you throw your computers across the room at the mere sight of the dreaded ‘R’ word, take heart – Breck Eisner’s The Crazies is actually a pretty good horror film, and a definite improvement on George A. Romero’s original.