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  • BBC Films makes its mark

    We love watching films on the BBC. They’re almost always well-chosen and intelligent, they stay on iPlayer for ages, and there are no commercial breaks. Bliss. With this in mind, you can well imagine our excitement when BBC Films scheduled a weekend triple bill of recent British features to celebrate its official move to BBC 2 – free cinema in the comfort of our own squalid bedsits? Yes please! Here are our thoughts on three cracking new films: The Damned United, Eastern Promises and Is Anybody There?

  • Top Ten Best Worst Movie Monsters

    As the cinematic world waits breathlessly for the release of ‘mockbuster’ Mega Piranha, we at Best For Film have been bemoaning the trend towards making deliberately dreadful monster films (here’s looking at you, Sharktopus). With that in mind, we’re trying to reverse the trend by harking back to some of the most disastrous monsters of yesteryear, when filmmakers understood that all you needed was a leaky reactor and a comparison to the Russians to make your superbeast a dead cert. We’ve scoured YouTube for the best of the worst, and here they are: our top ten best worst monster movies!

  • Le Concert

    Andrei Filipov was once the greatest conductor the Bolshoi Orchestra had ever seen. Thirty years later, deposed and disgraced, he cleans the theatre where he once strove for musical perfection. His ambitions seem forever lost, until one day he stumbles across a message which promise him a last shot at giving the performance of a lifetime…

  • New Avatar trailer… somehow.

    You know what we didn’t hear enough about? That Pocahontus film about the blue people, what was it called again? The director made quite a famous film about some boat back in the day, erm… oh dear… Avatar! That’s it! Such a shame that slipped so low under the international radar, eh? Fortunately for us though, it’s getting re-released! No, really.