After all, where else can you see Hugh Jackman playing the Easter Bunny?
With over a staggering 50 movies tucked under that beautiful scarlet barnet, Julianne Moore is one of the most talented, varied, and genuinely lovely actresses in the world. But what on earth do we really know about her? Exactly, you selfish hounds. So, to celebrate the release of the genuinely lovely Crazy Stupid Love, we present our guide to Miss Moore…
Have we called the name “sequel” enough times to bring it to life?
Bored of the endless clout of superhero movies? Take a look at the real-life superheroes and supervillains our favourite celebrities are in their spare time.
This week saw us get our first glimpse of Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady, made almost unrecognisable (except as Margaret Thatcher, but we suspect that may have been the point) with coiffed hair, pearls and all. But the question is: should a film about such a divisive figure be made at all? And, what with the Susan Boyle biopic firmly in the works, how low is the bar being set for biopics?
Ferrell, Wahlberg and Baldwin are set to star in Thanksgiving comedy
Indie films, you say? What, consistent characteristics being that they are independently made, with low budgets and unknown actors, directors and writers? No, no. They’ve got Michael Cera in, mate.
Liz Lemon might be a little shocked at this side of Jack Donaghy
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