Search results for "tom cruise"

  • Salt

    Russians, eh? Just when you think there’s no more Hollywood mileage to be had out of their sinister accents and evil shirts, along comes Salt. With a plot straight out of a Cold War thriller, twists that don’t bear any scrutiny whatsoever and set action pieces that have been done countless times before, Salt shouldn’t be that good. So why did I enjoy it so bloody much?

  • Knight and Day

    One expects this film’s curious title to be a weak pun on the surnames of the lead characters. One would be wrong. The name, ‘Knight,’ is tenuously linked to Cruise’s character but other than that there is no explanation for it. This lazy and incomprehensible title becomes rather apt for a film which does not require you to leave your brains at the door but rather put them in a lead lined box from which there is no escape.

  • Children of the Damned

    Hollywood’s bent for all things cheesy is perhaps best embodied in that most haunting of spectres, the child actor. From their cutesy giggles to their moronic lisps, we count down the five most irritating mugs ever to grace the screen at the tender age of precocious.

  • Top 5 Peter Pan spin-offs

    We’re basically horrified by Joe Wright’s plan to make a Peter Pan origin movie in which Peter is FRIENDS WITH CAPTAIN HOOK. Even if Hugh Jackman’s in it. And since all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, we thought we’d give him some other ideas for Pan-themed films which (tragically) don’t yet exist. NEVERLAND FOREVER!

  • RIP Roger Ebert

    Yesterday, legendary film critic Roger Ebert died after eleven years of battling cancer. The Internet is justly saturated with tributes to the greatest man ever to publicly send Rob Schneider to the burns unit, and Best For Film’s editor John has stirred from his customary torpor to offer up a not-quite-to-deadline obituary for the king of the critics.

  • Red Dawn

    In 1984, Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen, Lea Thompson and Jennifer Grey took up arms in guerrilla warfare to safe-guard their America from the the Soviet Union and its Cuban and Nicaraguan allies. In 2012, this premise was re-worked to suit the current political climate, making North Koreans the new big baddies. One was made at a time when the Cold War was still a heavy presence in U.S. culture. The other came about during a time of re-make madness.