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  • Zero Dark Thirty

    Despite the controversy surrounding Zero Dark Thirty (including an Oscar nomination boycott), Kathryn Bigelow’s latest politically-charged war drama still managed to bag 4 Golden Globe awards and bring in $24 million in its opening weekend. Zero Dark Thirty is intelligent, well-documented and manages to tug on our heartstrings whilst presenting us with the cold hard facts. Be that as it may, the film can sometimes feel like a prolonged episode of a TV drama that never quite surpassed its pilot.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #98

    Can you hear the people sing, singing a song of miserable men? We’re not too miserable this week, but we are juicy – juicy with orange juice! And lemon juice! And this doesn’t really make sense, does it? No matter, there’s a load of new films out and you can see them for half price if you have a friend! Oh, do you not? Sorry.

  • Playing for Keeps

    Gabriele Muccino of The Pursuit of Happyness fame brings us a new feel-good romantic pic produced by and starring Gerrard Butler, about a washed up former football star attempting to reconnect with his young son and ex-wife in a suburban community in Virginia.