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  • Mental

    Mental is an oddball comedy with meaningful things to say about the proliferation of psychiatric diagnoses in today’s society. It maintains an interesting narrative on the latent craziness that exists in all of us, and when the comedy is derived from this rapport with the audience it is exceedingly satisfying to watch. On the other hand, the majority of the film is utter, utter wank. Mental is as stable as a schizophrenic, but ultimately you’ll be the one lobotomised.

  • Cheat Sheet: Liev Schreiber

    This week we’re celebrating a man whose mere presence in a film adds an extra star to the rating, as written in BFF’s many by-laws. Starring alongside Toni Collette in this week’s Mental, Liev Schreiber proves himself as reliable as ever, being the best thing about a film that isn’t likely to inspire many ‘the best thing about that…’ conversations. He can do no wrong even when all around him brings new definition to the word. It’s a rare effect to have on films, and we wait with bated breath for the day he finally appears in something genuinely brilliant. For now, cast an eye back and remember why Scream 3 was any good.

  • Top 10 Cults in Film

    Cults! Can’t live with ’em, can’t run away from ’em without being burnt alive as a human sacrifice to the pleasure gods. Over the years, cults – with all their hifalutin child eating and wicker brandishing – have inspired many a filmmaker to get their crazy deeds up on the big screen. And, as seen most recently in Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master, they’re still hot stuff. So, in honour of the release of PTA’s film, but mainly because BY THE BEARD OF THE HARVEST GOD we love a good sacrificial killing, BFF presents you with the Top Ten Cults in Film. Warning: contains boobs and fire, obviously.