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  • TGIM! The 16th UK Jewish Film Festival (is in full swing already)

    It’s November, so that means the UK Jewish Film Festival is on. Over 18 days, 5 cities and 19 venues, the festival shows why Jewish cinema has been so important to film making over the past century, and why it continues to influence and inspire. This years highlights include cross dressing, an Israeli-Palestinian bromance and Nazis. Join us as we choose a few of the highlights from the rest of the festival.

  • The Sapphires

    Set in 1968, The Sapphires tells the story of four aboriginal girls who are plucked from the outback and perform a whirlwind tour for troops across Vietnam. Chris O’Dowd anchors much of the fun, but things get a little slippery when the film’s feel-good factor is forced to come to terms with the social, racial and political climate of the time.