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  • Top 5 suspiciously good horror sequels

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that a horror movie with a domestic gross amounting to a small fortune must be in line for a string of sequels of ever-diminishing quality. Almost all of them are terrible, being licenses to print money and all. But every now and then, by some strange alchemy, one of them.. isn’t. Here are five of our favorites, and one that we’re clearly over thinking.

  • Amour

    Winner of the Palme d’Or for 2012, Amour is a film that truly lives up to its name. Casting aside the fiery passion that most of the rest of cinema is obsessed with, it takes an uncompromising look at a love so deep and enduring that it becomes a prison. Never contrived or manipulative, Amour will wrench something deep inside you and not let go. Bring tissues and bring a lot. You’re going to need every last ply.

  • TGIM! The London Korean Film Festival 2012

    London’s seventh annual Korean Film Festival is in full swing! Running until November 11th, it’s a rare showcase of popular Korean filmmaking, offering an insight into a culture as in love with pop music, fashion and Hollywood as our own. Bringing over the cream of a remarkably strong national cinema, the KFF continues to expose audiences to a fascinating dichotomy of the alien and familiar, as all the tried and true tropes of genre cinema are played out in a foreign language.