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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #86

    It’s happening again! A new cadre of reinforcements have arrived at Best For Film Towers, kit gleaming with polish and pen nibs glinting in the autumn sunshine. Can anyone remember why the OWLs got so terribly militaristic? Anyway, they’re here and so are you and maybe you want to read what they think about this week’s releases? Go on.

  • Cheat Sheet: Karl Urban

    With that sculpted jaw, flowing mane and piercing blue eyes, up and coming actor Karl Urban is set to become a household name after starring in this summer’s hotly anticipated Judge Dredd. Fresh from appearing in a slew of epic fanboy sagas, he has a lot of experience in physical roles and is prepared to go further than the average actor to achieve the physical authenticity necessary to convince countless audiences that he is all too capable of kicking some serous ass. After getting a look at those impressive biceps in Judge Dredd, we don’t doubt it.

  • Dredd

    Put that Stallone-starring abomination from 1995 right out of your head – Director Pete Travis’ Dredd is a much more focused and faithful adaptation of science fiction comic 2000AD’s most famous and enduring strip, even if a lack of depth and some bland action stop it achieving greatness.