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  • TGIM! The Genius of Hitchcock at the BFI Southbank

    It’s Monday, the Olympics are officially open, public transport is hell on earth between the hours of “all the time” and “even at 3.42am”; taking all that into account, you’ve rung into work sick because women’s beach volleyball kicks off this afternoon and Tom Daley will be in Speedos in HD at some point – who wants to miss that? YOU, that’s who. Because the BFI has nice things for you to look at in the way of Alfred Hitchcock; that’s way better than some poxy diving. We hope Daley wees in the pool, so that they postpone it and you HAVE to go.

  • Electrick Children

    Debut director and escaped Amish person Rebecca Thomas’ first film is a meditation on the explosive meeting between the modern world and her antiquated upbringing. The usual rookie errors are very much in evidence, but solid performances and a compelling aesthetic make Electrick Children well worth a watch.