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  • Top 10 Sexiest Film Clergymen

    It’s National Priest Day 2012 everyone! Congratulations, priests of the world! You earned it! Wait, what’s that? There’s no such thing as National Priest Day? Well then why is there so much priest stuff going on at the cinema at the moment? Like this thing and this other nonsense? Whatever the reason, BFF is proud to bring you a list of the top ten sexiest clergymen from the world of cinema. DISCLAIMER: This is the top ten list that the Vatican DOESN’T want you to see. Or whatever, they probably aren’t aware of its existence.

  • Bonsái

    Cristián Jiménez’s romantic drama is carried by an interesting premise, but its restrained tone and shades of artificial whimsy make it difficult to emotionally invest in the story. Focussing on a man who finds himself driven to obsessively narratavise his own life, this distance is perhaps appropriate but, ultimately, it means that Bonsái leaves you a little cold.

  • Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey

    As sweet a story as you’d expect for the origins of the World’s Nicest Puppet, Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey just about manages to win you over with its saccharine rags-to-expensive-felt tale. Sure, it’s more of a celebration of the golden days of Jim Henson Productions than anything else, but with Elmo at the helm it was fairly unlikely this documentary was ever going to explore the back alleys of Sesame Street…