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  • John Carter

    Taylor Kitsch bounces around a not-so-distant planet as one of the most ordinarily-named sci-fi heroes ever. It’s a fun film, but it probably would’ve done better on its opening weekend with a more revealing title, like ‘The Martian Messiah,’ or something.

  • TGIM! The Festival Of Dangerous Ideas

    Another week? Really? Don’t worry, at some point you’ll die and all this will come to a welcome end, but until then it’s Monday and there’s nothing we can do about it. Still, there are always marvellous things going on, and it’s OUR JOB to raise your spirits with them. Set your anticipation guns from stun to kill; it’s time for the Rich Mix’s Festival Of Dangerous Ideas.

  • Switch

    Eric Cantona gets top billing in this new French thriller, but it’s lead actress Karine Vanasse who steals the show, out-acting everyone to the point that it gets a bit embarrassing. If you like your movies full of insane plot-twists, shady mothers and lots of running then Switch is probably for you. On the other hand, if you’re a fan of films that essentially make sense you might want to look elsewhere.

  • The Island President

    Argh! Climate change, we’re all gonna die! Well, actually some people in the Maldives might. Sorry to make it all gloomy but if, like me, you thought that climate change was just another thing happening in the world, then you should watch this; an insightful documentary about a man determined not to give in to the potential catastrophes of global warming.