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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #34

    Hurrah snakes and relief cats – Best For Film towers is no longer a sad, lonely and worryingly stained place. To celebrate the new blood keeping John and Tash animated until the thirst must be slaked again we say to you: TIS WEDNESDAY. TIS TIME FOR DISCOUNT CINEMA.

  • A Lonely Place To Die

    Julian ‘Rise of the Footsoldier‘ Gilbey has delivered the goods once more with this distinctly British thriller set in the trackless wastes of the Scottish Highlands. Graphic, uncompromising violence and spectacular cinematography are the hallmarks of A Lonely Place to Die, although the only marks you’re likely to worry about are the ones you’ll leave in the arms of your seat. Nail-biting.

  • Final Destination 5

    A strategic yacht with an extra long and pointy mast sails beneath a woman falling from airborne wreckage; spearing her guts out in an awesome splatter of blood and gore. It could only be Final Destination… in 3D! Again. Derivative, repetitive and deeply boring, it’s time Death came for this tired old franchise.

  • The Top 10 Teen Movies We Actually Love

    So, The Inbetweeners Movie is finally upon us, relishing in the antics of four teenage boys on holiday. And, what with the success of Twilight and High School Musical lingering in the air like a bad smell, it seems the world has gone crazy for teen flicks. Crazy, obviously, because these new-fangled teen movies can’t ever hold a candle to the likes of Ferris Bueller and The Lost Boys. Join us as we count down our fave ever pubescent movies of all time…