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  • Decision Before Dawn

    A unique take on a World War II film, Decision Before Dawn charts two Germans as they become double agents for the American army. With a realistic location, fine performances, and the natural tension that accompanies any spy plot, this war drama is well worth a viewing.

  • Life in Stop Motion Animation

    Stop motion animation is by far one of the most painstaking pursuits a film maker can employ to tell a story. Yet the industry maintains many big fans, none more famous than Tim Burton, who’s currently directing a stop motion remake of his second short film; a half-hour live action about a boy and his dog titled Frankenweenie. Best for Film got to chat to Steven Warne, one of the budding animators of Burton’s project, about his love of animation.

  • Client 9

    Client Nine is ostensibly a factual documentary about the fall of New York governor Elliot Spitzer, a married democrat who was found in 2008 to have seen prostitutes over a two year period. However, director and producer Alex Gibney expands his feature beyond the sex scandal, investigating the Republican enemies that Spitzer made in his tireless persecution of the money men on Wall Street, and whether a man that stood for so much should be brought down over something so (relatively) little.