Articles Posted in the " Sam Mendes " Category

  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Director Wars

    Star Wars VII has been in the public consciousness for barely over a week, but the relentless rumour mill has been out of control. Everyday yet another potential director is added to the Star Wars VII list, and yet another takes themselves off with a sarcastic quip about how Disney’s Star Wars will star Minnie Mouse with a lightsaber. Here is a recap of all the guys still in the running, and those who have jumped out the Millennium Falcon.

  • Skyfall

    Probably the best Bond of the new era, Skyfall is an assured and at times jaw-droppingly beautiful action film. Veering slightly more towards the ludicrous excesses of the Bond of old, Skyfall simultaneously maintains the grittier, more modern style, making it an anniversary throwback and a distinctly modern Bond film all at once. Obsessed with the spectre of death and being replaced, Skyfall doesn’t actually have a great deal to say on those topics, but it does have a memorable baddie (finally!) – and if the climax is disappointing, it’s only in comparison to the mastery of the rest of it.