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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #100 – CENTENARY EDITION

    We know ‘centenary’ doesn’t just mean ‘hundredth’, but have you ever stretched out a single, citrussy idea into more than two years of blogs? Have you bollocks. As Best For Film’s least SEO-friendly feature ever celebrates its arrival into triple digits, we’ve rounded up a rogues’ gallery of our best and brightest writers to bring you simply the best ever low-down of the week’s movies. OWLs forever!

  • Reality

    Reality is a modern-day fable for a new generation; a bleak yet superbly colourful and humorous observation on the impacts of reality television on today’s society. Reality treats whimsical notions of fame and fortune with a slice of satire, and remains visually stylish from beginning to end, slipping only in its Jersey Shore-esque depiction of Italian culture.

  • Cheat Sheet: Jessica Chastain

    Jessica Chastain has been in over a dozen films in the two years since she appeared on our radar in Take Shelter in 2010. This year she received her second Oscar nomination, for her portrayal of the CIA agent who found Osama Bin Laden in Zero Dark Thirty. She also won a Golden Globe for the role. This flame-haired beauty continues to impress us as she turns out wonderful performance after wonderful performance. Is there nothing she can’t do?

  • Claustrofobia

    Claustrofobia is a Dutch horror debut from director Bobby Boermans, starring Carolien Spoor as a veterinary student who finds herself chained to a bed in the basement of one of her neighbours with no idea how she got there. The film explores some aspects of the condition of its title, but not nearly as deeply or darkly as you’d expect.