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  • Hot Tub Cinema – we dive into London’s soggiest screening

    In a bid to jump on the festive bandwagon, outré film fans Hot Tub Cinema have begun a week of extra-special Christmas movies in their ultra-luxurious settings. We sent along seasoned BFFer and bubble fan Kayleigh to see if the place really lived up to the hype. Would she find herself immersed in a relaxing pool, amidst refined company and carefully sipping from a flute of champagne as a movie merrily played out on the screen before her? Or was this going to be more no no no than ho ho ho…?

  • Top 10 Movie Pregnancies

    So this week saw the news the whole nation has been waiting for, breath bated, hands wrung, and nails bitten. Yes, you’ve guessed it, it’s the hotly anticipated follow-up to our Top 10 Naked Royals in Film blog!! Unfortunately, the Duchess of Cambridge seems to have somewhat stolen our thunder by thoughtlessly going and getting herself pregnant in the same week, the shiny-haired ovarian witch.

  • Trouble with the Curve

    Having recently delivered middlebrow stodge like Invictus, Hereafter and J. Edgar from the director’s chair, it’s been a while since Clint Eastwood has had a chance to chew some scenery. With directing duties left to longtime collaborator Robert Lorenz, Eastwood steps in front of the camera once more, finding the same ardent growl that made Gran Torino such an enjoyable boilermaker of a film. Unfortunately, Trouble with the Curve is as toothless as the man himself, a catatonic baseball drama that suffers from the same mouldy traditionalism championed in Eastwood’s cranky talent scout.