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  • Cheat Sheet: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

    With both bicycle courier nightmare Premium Rush and bonkers sci-fi feast Looper on the horizon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is fast becoming one of Hollywood’s premier leading men. But what of the man himself? What do we really know? One thing’s for sure… we have to go deeper.

  • Untouchable

    A wonderful story of friendship, honesty and acceptance, Untouchable tells the story of paralysed aristocrat Phillipe who after taking on cheeky chappy Driss as his carer, soon develops a surprising kinship with the initially reluctant ex-con. The journey their unlikely friendship takes them on is both touching and thought-provoking. A must see.

  • TGIM! Peckham & Nunhead Free Film Festival

    Now that Film4’s Frightfest has been and gone, leaving gory red stains of blood and viscera all over London (pity the poor street-cleaners), there’s a somewhat tamer festival of all things film for the capital to embrace. Called the Peckham and Nunhead Free Film Festival, it does exactly what it says on the tin, exactly where it says on the tin. The festival has a diverse roster of films and events, all of which are wonderfully free.

  • Hope Springs

    Hope Springs is a delightful film which draws the curtain on a seldom discussed issue: What becomes of a marriage once the glitz and vitality are long gone and the couple are in their later years? As usual, Meryl Streep is terrific and works wonderfully with Tommy Lee Jones to portray a long established couple who have lost the spark in their marriage. Compelling viewing.

  • ParaNorman

    Throughout their cinematic careers, zombies have been variously utilised as brain-munching bogeymen, rage-addled viral threats and social-political analogies. Don’t let ParaNorman‘s PG-rating fool you, this is a movie with a subversive streak that George A. Romero himself would be proud of.