Search results for "spielberg"

  • Django Unchained

    Returning with another crash course in revisionist history, Quentin Tarantino invites us to buckle up and cast our minds back to pre-Civil War America for a trip through the South’s slave circuit. Bold, bloody, and arriving after what must have been a very short stay in the editing room, the ‘Southern’ epic Django Unchained is finally here.

  • TGIM! You’re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

    Are you tired of long, cold, wintry nights with nothing to do? Are you thinking that it’s about time somebody appreciated your extensive and totally useless knowledge concerning Spaghetti Westerns of the 1970s? Then you, my friend, are going to love the iconic pub-film-quiz, You’re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat. YGNABB, as we like to call it, has been running since 2003, and tomorrow sees their annual Review of the Year quiz hit the Hackney Picturehouse like an H.G. Wells invasion. Look, it’s the perfect opportunity to show off your movie trivia surrounded by friends and drinks! Not that you don’t do that already, you cheeky monkey…

  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Director Wars

    Star Wars VII has been in the public consciousness for barely over a week, but the relentless rumour mill has been out of control. Everyday yet another potential director is added to the Star Wars VII list, and yet another takes themselves off with a sarcastic quip about how Disney’s Star Wars will star Minnie Mouse with a lightsaber. Here is a recap of all the guys still in the running, and those who have jumped out the Millennium Falcon.