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  • Brits to storm Toronto Film Festival

    Hurrah for us Brits! According to this year’s Toronto Film Festival line-up we’ve got a lot to look forward to in terms of British cinema, with 12 Brit entrants making it into the official selection. Interestingly enough, 8 out the 12 – yep, that’s two thirds – are backed and supported by the UK Film Council (which is why you should sign the official petition to save it here).

  • Save The UK Film Council: 28 Weeks Later DVD Review

    So, the UK Film Council is to be axed. There are really only two things to do in reaction to such baffling news: a) follow in the steps of over 12,000 film fans and sign our official online petition here b) then proceed to remind yourselves of what the UKFC has brought to our screens in the last ten years, starting with the exhilarating horror sequel 28 Weeks Later.